The IEEE Photonics Society Awards recognize the outstanding achievements and accomplishments of members and individuals from the photonics community-at-large who advance technology in the Society’s fields of interest. The Awards rely on the expertise and support of members, volunteers, and nominators to ensure colleagues’ achievements and technological advancements are honored.
The IEEE Photonics Society is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 IEEE Photonics Society Awards.
Welcome – IPC General Chair
Welcome – IPS President
Robert R. Alfano
For the discovery of supercontinuum light source as an enabling technology for diverse applications and tunable Cr4 and Cr3 lasers.
Waguih Ishak
For enduring, transformational, and strategic global leadership in the development, promotion, and introduction of photonic products including commercial VCSELs and the computer laser mouse.
Kei May Lau
For contributions to the development of hetero-epitaxy by metal organic chemical vapor deposition for photonics devices and monolithic micro-LED micro-displays.
Mona Jarrahi
For groundbreaking contributions to plasmonic terahertz optoelectronic devices and imaging/spectroscopy systems.
Pavel Cheben
For pioneering contributions to silicon photonic waveguide devices, including the invention of metamaterial waveguides and advancing sub-wavelength integrated photonics technology.
Gabriella Bosco
For dedicated service to the Photonics Society with exceptional contributions to Publications and Conferences.
Alexey Gorshkov
For pioneering contributions to understanding, design, and control of interacting quantum systems, with applications including quantum computers, sensors, and networks.
Andrea Alu
For seminal contributions to the field of photonic metamaterials and their applications.
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members who have achieved extraordinary accomplishments in an IEEE field of interest(s) and are deemed fitting of the prestigious grade elevation.
The IEEE Photonics Society is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Photonics Society Graduate Student Scholarships. Join us in congratulating the following honorees:
Henrique Buglia
University College London
Benjamin Crockett
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Wenpu Geng
Nankai University
Olivia Long
Stanford University
Muhammad Hunain Memon
University of Science and Technology of China
Iryna Mikhailikova
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Rahul Dev Mishra
Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Qi Wu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Xinzhou Su
University of Southern California
Adam Widomski
University of Warsaw