Call for Special Symposia

Proposal Deadline:
24 February 2025

The format of the symposia allows organizers a more intimate environment and flexibility to focus in great details on emerging fields and to pilot new ideas on how the conference is run.

Proposal Requirements
To be considered, potential Special Symposium Chairs should submit a proposal that includes the details as noted below:

Please include the name, affiliation, country, email address, and a brief biography for each co-chair and subcommittee member.

Special Symposium title, summary, attendance, i.e. Is the topic widely discussed by different research and industrial groups around the world? What type of audience is targeted?

Motivation & Scope:
Special Symposia are organized as 2-3, 90-minute sessions. Historically, 5-8 invited speakers are included per symposium, depending upon how many contributed submissions are received/accepted.

Mentorship, Networking, & Outreach:
Please share your ideas for ancillary events that may provide mentorship to students, local excursions, networking amongst the attendees, lab automation hackathons, and outreach to local chapters.

Additional information about past Special Symposia at IPC can be found on the conference website.
For questions about the submission process please contact Danielle Corrigan at


Please submit your proposals via the Proposal Submission Form.