Photonics Industry Focus

Monday, 11 November 2024

Photonic Opportunities – European Government Organizations

Time: 8:30am-10:00am
Session Chair: Silvia Pietralunga, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Photonic Opportunities – US Government Organizations

Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Session Chair: James Cahill, Army Research Laboratory, USA

The US Government leverages a significant photonics research portfolio — both via internal research efforts and external funding to industry and academia. What are the secrets to successfully engaging with this potential government partner? What is it like to work with or for the government research and development community? Ask the panelists these questions and more to learn about opportunities with the US Government.


James Joseph
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory, Army Research Office, USA

Franklyn Quinlan
National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA


Franklyn Quinlan is a Physicist and Leader of the Precision Photonic Synthesis Group in the Time and Frequency Division at NIST in Boulder, CO. His research includes optical frequency comb and ultrastable laser development, low noise microwave generation, and photonic interconnects to cryogenic platforms. He is a Fellow of Optica.

John Bowers
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


John Bowers holds the Fred Kavli Chair and is the Director of the Institute for Energy Efficiency and a Distinguished Professor in the ECE and Materials Departments at UCSB. Dr. Bowers is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is an AAAS, OSA, IEEE and APS fellow. He is a recipient of the IEEE Nishizawa Medal, IEEE Photonics, OSA/IEEE Tyndall, OSA Holonyak and IEEE William Streifer Awards.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Photonic Technician Education – Bridging the Gap

Time: 8:30am-10:00am
Session Chair: Natalia Cañas-Estrada, Optical Engineer – Future Technologies, Germany

Photonic Engineer Continuing Education – Bridging the Gap

Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Session Chair: Newton Frateschi, University of Campinas, Brazil

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Photonic Product Development Cycle

Time: 8:30am-10:00am
Session Chair: Guido Chiaretti, Moresense, Italy


Antonello Fincato

Sara Pellegrini
STMicroelectronics, Scotland

Talk Title: CMOS SPADs: From Advanced R&D to Industrialization


Sara Pellegrini is the Imaging Communication and Academic Collaborations Manager at STMicroelectronics since July 2023. She joined ST in 2006 as a Characterization and Modelling Engineer and progressed to Technology Manager and Advanced Photonics Pixel Architect. She now defines communication strategies and coordinates academic collaborations within the Imaging subgroup.

Dr. Mark Shaw

Dr. Victor Guja

Antonio Fincato

Talk Title: Photonic Design for an Industrial Environment


Antonio Fincato obtained his Physics degree in 1984 from the University of Pavia. After working at CSELT and Italtel, he joined STMicroelectronics in 2000, where he is responsible for the design of advanced silicon photonics components. His research interests include various topics related to integrated photonics and micro-optics for telecom and sensor applications.

Photonic Standards – Drivers and Needs

Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Session Chair: John Kulick, IEEE Photonics Society Standards Committee Past Chair, USA

This session is focused on how the use of standards could help the photonics industry address specific challenges which it is facing that are limiting the growth of additional photonic opportunities and/or applications. A group of industry experts will be invited to share highlights from their particular industry sectors including: electronic photonic design automation software, automated test equipment and PIC foundries.


  • Andre Richter, CEO, VPIphotonics, Germany
  • Sadoon Al-Obaidi, Marketing & Communications Director, LioniX International, Netherlands