Enrique Calleja

Enrique Calleja


“Selective Growth of III-Nitride Nano/Microrods by MBE: Some Basics and Applications”

Prof. Enrique Calleja Pardo

Address: E.T.S. I. Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dpt. Electronic Engineering and ISOM, Ciudad Universitaria s/n – 28040 Madrid. Spain.
Phone, Fax, email:  (+34) 91.336 73 15, (+34) 91.336 73 23,  calleja@die.upm.es

Graduated in Physics (Univ. Complutense de Madrid) in 1974. PhD in Physics (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid) in 1980. Full Professor at the E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación (U.P.M.) from 1990.  H factor : 41

Active Research Lines:

  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy of III-Nitrides. Selective Growth of GaInlN Nanocolumnar structures
  • Green and White light generation with of nanoLEDs arrays. SPS with InGaN Dot-in-a-Wire
  • High quality non-polar and semi-polar Ga(In)N pseudo substrates by nanorod merging
  • Columnar Nitride NanoFETs as sensors


  • Coauthor of 330 publications in: Phys. Rev. Lett.; Phys. Rev. B; Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys.; Electron. Letters; Semicond. Sci. & Technol.; phys. stat. sol.; J. Electron. Mater.; J. Crys. Growth; J. Vac. Sci. & Technol.; Microelectronics Journal; J. Materials Sci. & Technol.; J. Mat. Sci. ; J. Appl. Optics.

Communications and Invited Talks:

  • 290 Presentations in International Congresses in Europe, USA, Japan, and Canada. 65 Invited Talks.

Participation in International Research Projects:

  • EU Projects (14); ESA-ESTEC (2); COST (1); NICOP-ONR (2);

Research Stays:

  • Laboratoire d’Automatique et d’Analyse des Systèmes, LAAS, Toulouse, France, 1975-1976 (5 months); 1980 (1 month); 1985 (1 month).
  • J. Watson Laboratory, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, 1985-1986 (1 year). Invited Visiting Scientist.
  • Brown University, Dpt. of Electronic Engineering, Providence, USA, 1997 (1 month). Invited Senior Scholar.

Other Activities:

  • Referee of Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters, J.Applied Physics, Semiconductor Science & Technology, Journal of Physics D, and Applied Physics A
  • Referee of Research Projects: CICYT, CDTI, CAM, and ESPRIT (EU).
  • Director of the Institute of Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology, ISOM-UPM, Spain ( May 2008 to May 2016).
  • Member of the Program Commitee in 60 International Conferences.
  • Editor of Solid State Electronics (Elsevier) (2005-) and Journal of Crystal Growth (Elsevier) (2006-)

Recent publications:

Ž. GAČEVIĆ, D. LÓPEZ-ROMERO, T. JUAN MANGAS, E. CALLEJA, “A top-gate GaN nanowire MESFET with improved channel electrostatic control”, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 033101 (2016).

ASEEV, Ž. GAČEVIĆ, A. TORRES-PARDO, J. M. GONZÁLEZ-CALBET, E. CALLEJA, “Improving optical performance of GaN nanowires grown by selective area growth homoepitaxy: influence of substrate and nanowire dimensions”, Applied Physics Letters 108, 253109 (2016).

KONG, H. LI, S. ALBERT, A. BENGOECHEA, M.A. SANCHEZ-GARCIA, E. CALLEJA, C. DRAXL, A. TRAMPERT, “Titanium induced polarity inversion in ordered (In,Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns” Nanotechnology 27, 065705 (2016).

Ž. GAČEVIĆ, M. HOLMES, E. CHERNYSHEVA, A. TORRES-PARDO, Y. ARAKAWA, E. CALLEJA, S. LAZIĆ, “Nonpolar, semipolar and polar III-nitride dot-in-a-wire sources of linearly polarized single photons”, ACS Photonics, 4, 3, 657 (2017).

BENGOECHEA-ENCABO, S. ALBERT, M. MÜLLER, M. XIE, J. ZUÑIGA, M.A. SANCHEZ-GARCIA, E. CALLEJA, “Selective area growth of AlN/GaN nanocolumns on (0001) and (11-22) GaN/sapphire templates by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Nanotechnology 28, 36 (2017).

ASEEV, Z. GAČEVIĆ, J.M. MANUEL, J. JIMENEZ, R. GARCIA, F.M. MORALES, E. CALLEJA, “Formation mechanisms of single crystalline InN quantum dots obtained via droplet epitaxy and solid state dewetting”, J. Crystal Growth 493, 65(2018).


All session by Enrique Calleja

Frontiers of Photonics

9:00 - 12:00
Grand Ballroom B/C